Friday, May 16, 2008

On the Hill

Since he was from Old Town on the south side Warren
felt right at home on the hill. He told me he had
been reading Gibran and that all were well. A young
man's early twenties are often his most wise. That
early wit lost maybe found if one truly believes,
or if one has faith.

I'm glad we decided to go up on the hill that day,
Warren and I. As we sat and watched the city roll
by all our friends one-by-one began to move up on
the hill. We were having a good time laughing and
talking and enjoying the sun. Then Warren decided to

Discuss cycles and Brahman's hymns of breath beyond
the still of life. John asked-"do cycles reach
such heights, are generations which were once here
now there?" Warren coldly replied - "Like fallen
leaves in autumn's rush, some cross decay."

There are those who believe in reincarnation.
They said that we had all seen these things once,
or twice before. I said perhaps, or maybe not.
It depends on such things being possible. Certainly,
one must be in the right place at the right time,
or doing the right things...

The Sun will someday set in the east.

The Scrolls agreed and they read-there is a universal
essence in all...This makes us free and good and
glad to be. A man will be a man and a woman will
be a woman and both are of the universe. Thus we
all agreed as we sat and watched the sun set in
its usual place in the West. We were content to
believe in the goodness that is in Man.

As there is no crossing that curse which wanes ascent...
And we would daily not into that curse which wanes

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